A few tips on how to improve the performance of the child in the classroom.
Make the workplace comfortable. Workplace nothing should distract the child from assignments. It often happens that children are forced to do the lessons in the kitchen, where there is a convenient table and normal lighting. That is why the work area to make your child's room, where there will be plenty of room to spread out a few books, put pens and pencils, that could easily reach the shelves where the cost of textbooks and dictionaries.
Should also pay attention to the fact that the child always had enough paper, notebooks and pens. But that task to the need to entrust the child, it gives him the opportunity to feel independent and responsible.
Switch off the TV. Get the habit of switching off the TV, if at the moment while doing homework. TV, as they say delays. I sat down to watch, and the time for anything else no more. If there really show something interesting, it is always possible to record on video.
What to do with radio and music? It is proved that certain types of music (except heavy rock) to promote the assimilation of the material, so watch out if you favorite radio station does not interfere, but rather contributes to homework, then do not prohibit a child, listening to the radio while doing homework.
Regularity - a key factor. It would be great if your lunch and dinner (or at least dinner) took place at the same time. To the child was a clear signal that he was doing all the lessons before dinner or, conversely, starts homework after dinner. As an incentive for each execution of the block homework can think of any promotion.
Demonstrable organization. Buy or make yourself a big calendar where you can make notes about important educational events, how much time is left before the end of a quarter, trimester, about the time of examinations. This will serve as a stark reminder for the child and would not create the false impression that a lot of time and can prepare for the exam and after. And then somehow does not occur, and all have to do in the last minute.
Teach your child to learn. Explain to him that the mechanical homework does not provide a good knowledge. Give that need to know the child to perform tasks as effectively as possible:
- Make notes while reading the chapters and sections - to learn how to compress the material to the main ideas - learn how to use spreadsheets and charts - to learn how to send in your own words, read the text - and teach him to make a form on which you can quickly repeat the important dates, formulas, words etc. - As the child must learn to write for the teacher, not word for word, but only the important ideas and facts. You can practice the child to do this by staging a mini lecture.
Teach your child not to worry before the test. The most important thing to remember the child, is that night, in front of the control should have a good sleep, but not intense preparations. The control is better to carry a spare pen, pencil and paper. Explain if the child is worried, then get rid of the emotion necessary to make a few deep and slow breaths, and stop panicking.
While doing homework, watch for the child's condition. If the child is tired, angry or upset, because the task is too long and complicated, and it is not the first time, you may need to intervene and give the child a little time out, stopping the homework for today. I think that the teacher to explain the failure of the homework is not too difficult.
Do parents help the child with homework? In different cases differently. Parents can help your child to train the correct spelling of words, dictating text and words, to understand the complex mathematical problem. If the job is not difficult and the child is able to do it and learn something from this process, it is better not to intervene and offer assistance in testing.
Also, please help the child should be taken with joy, and not grumble. Do not forget to also make positive comments when checking or doing homework with your child. The child should not be fear that the homework he would scold.
Follow the process. Wonder affairs
child in school, but he did not throw a interrogations. Suitable questions like: "How was the control of mathematics", "How are you a lecture on the history? Need my help," etc. Pay attention to the evaluation of the child, as well as teacher notes, if practiced in your school. All this can serve as a sign, like a child're doing on a particular subject.
You can always come and talk to the teacher, but beware, it's worth doing, with the consent of the child, otherwise he may receive the impression that you interfere in its affairs, spy on them (unless, of course, it's not gone so far that you call the school).
Pay attention to remarks such as "he / she is a terrible teacher," which shows the following: your child can not cope with the subject for a number of different reasons, need your help.
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
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