Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Honey for a cough - a sweet drug

Medications are not always pleasant. But spoon of honey - and pleasant and helpful.

Along with medication, sometimes we use alternative methods of treatment of cough, to cope with a cold, especially in children. Clinical studies involving patients with upper respiratory tract infections (105 people aged 2 to 18 years) showed that honey can help in this situation. Researchers compared the effectiveness of honey with the action of non-prescription drugs (with dextromethorphan) or no treatment.

Children from 2 to 5 years were given at bedtime to ½ tsp. Dark buckwheat honey. Children from 6 to 11 years - 1 tsp. Children over 11 years - 2 tsp. As a result, honey was the most effective means of cough, which significantly improved night's sleep in children. Pleasant addition: Honey is also improved and the parent's sleep.

How it works honey until the end is unknown. He is expected to soften the mucous neck and stimulates saliva production, which reduces the cough.

An important caveat: Never give honey to children up to a year, as honey may contain botulism spores, deadly for infants. For children older than 12 months, honey is safe.

The drug, tested by time

Curative properties of honey have been known since ancient times. It not only cures cough but also contains many useful substances, among which:

* Antioxidants, vitamins C and E. The darker the color of honey, the more nutrients it contains.
* Minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, and phosphates).

Product beekeeping

Taste of honey depends on the nectar that bees collect from flowers. The taste is different - from sweet to bitter. Experts are unanimous in the opinion that the most diverse in composition of nutrients dark honey (such as buckwheat).

Honey is relatively inexpensive, easily digestible and serves as a safe alternative to medication for a cough. Shelf life of honey is practically unlimited. The only condition - it is desirable to keep it in a cool, dark place in tightly closed containers.

So next time your child got a cold, looking for a cure is not a pharmacy, and in the kitchen. A cup of hot tea with a spoonful of honey do wonders!
Rx North Dakota

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