Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to improve performance of the child

A few tips on how to improve the performance of the child in the classroom.

Make the workplace comfortable. Workplace nothing should distract the child from assignments. It often happens that children are forced to do the lessons in the kitchen, where there is a convenient table and normal lighting. That is why the work area to make your child's room, where there will be plenty of room to spread out a few books, put pens and pencils, that could easily reach the shelves where the cost of textbooks and dictionaries.

Should also pay attention to the fact that the child always had enough paper, notebooks and pens. But that task to the need to entrust the child, it gives him the opportunity to feel independent and responsible.

Switch off the TV. Get the habit of switching off the TV, if at the moment while doing homework. TV, as they say delays. I sat down to watch, and the time for anything else no more. If there really show something interesting, it is always possible to record on video.

What to do with radio and music? It is proved that certain types of music (except heavy rock) to promote the assimilation of the material, so watch out if you favorite radio station does not interfere, but rather contributes to homework, then do not prohibit a child, listening to the radio while doing homework.

Regularity - a key factor. It would be great if your lunch and dinner (or at least dinner) took place at the same time. To the child was a clear signal that he was doing all the lessons before dinner or, conversely, starts homework after dinner. As an incentive for each execution of the block homework can think of any promotion.

Demonstrable organization. Buy or make yourself a big calendar where you can make notes about important educational events, how much time is left before the end of a quarter, trimester, about the time of examinations. This will serve as a stark reminder for the child and would not create the false impression that a lot of time and can prepare for the exam and after. And then somehow does not occur, and all have to do in the last minute.

Teach your child to learn. Explain to him that the mechanical homework does not provide a good knowledge. Give that need to know the child to perform tasks as effectively as possible:

- Make notes while reading the chapters and sections - to learn how to compress the material to the main ideas - learn how to use spreadsheets and charts - to learn how to send in your own words, read the text - and teach him to make a form on which you can quickly repeat the important dates, formulas, words etc. - As the child must learn to write for the teacher, not word for word, but only the important ideas and facts. You can practice the child to do this by staging a mini lecture.

Teach your child not to worry before the test. The most important thing to remember the child, is that night, in front of the control should have a good sleep, but not intense preparations. The control is better to carry a spare pen, pencil and paper. Explain if the child is worried, then get rid of the emotion necessary to make a few deep and slow breaths, and stop panicking.

While doing homework, watch for the child's condition. If the child is tired, angry or upset, because the task is too long and complicated, and it is not the first time, you may need to intervene and give the child a little time out, stopping the homework for today. I think that the teacher to explain the failure of the homework is not too difficult.

Do parents help the child with homework? In different cases differently. Parents can help your child to train the correct spelling of words, dictating text and words, to understand the complex mathematical problem. If the job is not difficult and the child is able to do it and learn something from this process, it is better not to intervene and offer assistance in testing.

Also, please help the child should be taken with joy, and not grumble. Do not forget to also make positive comments when checking or doing homework with your child. The child should not be fear that the homework he would scold.

Follow the process. Wonder affairs

child in school, but he did not throw a interrogations. Suitable questions like: "How was the control of mathematics", "How are you a lecture on the history? Need my help," etc. Pay attention to the evaluation of the child, as well as teacher notes, if practiced in your school. All this can serve as a sign, like a child're doing on a particular subject.

You can always come and talk to the teacher, but beware, it's worth doing, with the consent of the child, otherwise he may receive the impression that you interfere in its affairs, spy on them (unless, of course, it's not gone so far that you call the school).

Pay attention to remarks such as "he / she is a terrible teacher," which shows the following: your child can not cope with the subject for a number of different reasons, need your help.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

What to do to your boyfriend did not even think about other girls

You dream to become irresistible? To your boyfriend on the other carrots and forgot to think? Then prosekay that pepper in my head actually ... And enjoy! Do not hurry to undress
He wants: Sam undress the girl. Especially touching any strapless, buckles, well, etc. In short, the most to get to her. And, therefore, more baldet of his "accomplishments".

Tips to it: As soon as he touches you, do not start, as if on cue, all the throw off with itself. And do not run away immediately into the bathroom to change into a nightgown! This is his break off. "Oh, pancake, - he thinks - what a pity it would be so mood-elevating! The bedroom also not hurry hurry be naked.

In fact, peppers whipped in women's underwear. What it is frivolous, the better. The girl starts a more in it than without it. In bed, he breaks away and tries to complete, if a girl is not shy about her body and behave freely.

They say perception of their own sexuality in women is directly related to how it evaluates its shape. But in fact pepper never be loaded due to a pair of your extra pounds. And you, if you'll be because of this strain, okameneesh, and it would alienate him much stronger.


He wants: As a prelude to confinement to bed intensifi full massage. She likes when the girl regard to his legs and hips. Especially buttocks! And in general, loves the feeling of anticipation and a long, leisurely preparation. The more foreplay, the stronger the excitation. Most of the peppers like to say at this point of obscenity.

Tips to her: Do not think that if he does not have an erection, he does not want to make love. Some girls do not show initiative in sex because they are afraid that they rejected. The fact that he often has no idea how you set up, and fears seem intrusive.

Admit it, you can not just slap people on the shoulder and then rely on sex. But sometimes enough even to whisper a few words, and "tired as a dog" in one fell swoop would turn into "that's why I get up."

Be generous in affection always and everywhere. Stroked him on the back seat of a taxi, at the party tickling the back of the head, tris on his leg.

Do not think that if your boyfriend big and hairy, then it does not need long to caress, to set properly. Do not be embarrassed if in bed, he just makes you say something like "fuck me". Of course, there are words that are just taboo, but he would never think of you badly just because you told them. This is silly. Since you alone in bed, it's time to relax. Most likely, then you just laugh about it, and better than anything you can imagine.

Here where we have a mirror?

He wants: Sex in the light. Kind of her body and general prospects of exciting action - a strong incentive for any guy. Look at masturbating girl for him - fiction, provides an instant orgasm.

Tips to her: You do not have to light all the lights in the room. Suffice desk lamp or a lamp. Bear in mind that the soft lighting conceals skin flaws. Your body will look especially attractive if the lamp - pink or yellow shade.

You can light some aromatic candles. Just take reliable candlesticks, to be sure that the candles do not tip over and not set fire to dom.Kstati, fun to engage in sex in front of a mirror - it is very Turns both.

Put nails

He wants: Emotional contact and believes that without it, sex is incomplete.

Tips to her: Do not forget to kiss and look into his eyes, when you have sex. This is particularly exciting if it is already inside. Light touch moist lips incredibly sexy.

Grabbed and squeezed his neck, scratching his back, bit her shoulders. But if you caress his most intimate places - be gentle and hide the nails!

Sweet lips

He wants: It is not the right word - oral sex. Do not just hope for him - he begs for this lap. Oral sex means to him that she loves him completely and just fascinated by them.

It's more intimate than the usual act. Ejaculation in the mouth - this is the final and unconditional acceptance. Most guys love to be a partner. They love it when she sits on his face - this is very cool, because meretriciously exciting and shows all its looseness.

Tips to her: And yet was not limited to kissing and caressing his genitalia. Let your hands and your mouth will be all over the body ... Do not forget about nipples, belly, inner thighs and ears. Staring look in his eyes. Suppose a person you have not come down to sexual smile. Then catch him forever!

He wants: To have his genitals girl treated politely - no scratching, no pulling them, etc.

Tips to it: Imagine that the penis - is a large clitoris, and treated him as gently. And remember - some guys not so much not like it when they take the eggs in his mouth ... Simply, they are afraid that they might ... not bite.

Attention, cumming!

He wants to: her to let her know about orgasm. In this case, he realizes that not only he was good.

Tips to her: When you feel that you are on your way to orgasm - warned that their partner. Then you will be able to enjoy the full magnificent moment. Incidentally, in these moments you can forget about it and only look at their feelings.

He wants: Sometimes offensive to delay orgasm.

Tips to it: The best way to help him to delay orgasm - to change the posture. Often small enough change that he had "regrouped" and distracted.

He wants: After making love just lie quietly, kissing and hugging his girl. It covers a great sense of relief.

Tips to it: Many of the girls after sex feel the need to talk. Remember that it is better to not gab and be with her boyfriend exhausted silence-tender.

Sex and mathematics?

Sex and mathematics? This is something new. After all, sex - it is something crazy and irrational. Nevertheless, in relation to it is often possible to apply the question, beginning with the words "how much?".

Well, for example.

"How many were there?

In the sense of sexual partners, to use the official language. This sensitive issue tend to ask, for example, gynecologists in district antenatal clinics.

Another category of interest in this topic - men. And not necessarily tactless. By the way, remember the jokes in the spirit of "I'll call you Snow White? - Why? - Because you're my first. - And I'll Boeing. - Why? - You're my 747th. Or: "My dear, how many men have you had? She pauses. After 10 minutes, he asked again: "My dear, you are still offended? - No, I still believe."

Joking aside, but that in reality? Are these questions hurt or strain the women (and men)? Not necessarily. Everything depends on the person, situation, level of relations and much more.

Some women in general, "kill the former, making plastic surgery to restore virginity. Others are adopting the principle of the songs Irina Allegrova "Who we are not the first that we have a second. Others slightly underestimate the amount (if the real figure may understate). Fourth is felled the whole truth-the uterus. And this is a high degree of revelation.

Men tend to behave a little relaxed and easy. However, in our country still preserved stereotypes such as that for men the number of partners - his dignity, and for women, shall we say, not quite. And so the lady, who had, say, to her husband's 5 lovers and honestly told the wife, a little later may face a risk of "recall" by the spouse. Especially in times of conflict. However, there are men endowed with a certain degree of tact and education, which perceive information on the number of "former" own half only as information and do not use it as a weapon.

And in general, is it really so important, how many were there? For love, according to Bella Akhmadulina, this is "the absence of the former." Therefore not always makes sense to discuss.

How long is your act?

Some tell stories about the prodigious number of hours spent in bed. But this is not exactly the duration of the act, and longitude common love preludes, interludes and PostScript. Some reach the pleasure for half an hour, others - just over 15 minutes, and are quite happy with it. In fact, all individually, and moreover, depends on the people themselves, age, situation, type of relationship linking partners. Who, for instance, the very presence in the pleasures of love will be longer? The couple, leading a regular sex life, or a romantic secret lovers, occurring from time to time? In my opinion, the answer is clear.

In general, it is not in the quantity and quality.

How many times?

It is understood, per night and per week. At this point we can say all the same. All individually and depends on the same reasons.

In any case, it is not necessary complexes, if a friend tells how it merges into ecstasy with a partner several times a night, and you have this time during the night is always unique.

Or the friend said that "Kinto all 7 days a week. And you, for example, is reduced to 2.3 episodes.

So what? Incidentally, not so much stable couples living together for several years, are capable of daily sex. And not only in physiology but also in psychology. Dull can be.

How many years?

What is the age of sex, roughly speaking? There's nothing more personal such as age framework. They say that it is too early sexual activity harmful to the immature organism. As for the upper boundary ... Of course, sometimes, as in the joke: "Doctor, I have nothing a woman does not work. - And how old are you? - 80. - Well, what do you want? - Do I have a friend, He tells everyone that achieves great success with women. - Well, and you say, talk, talk!

But in fact, many of flesh retains "his life" to old age. If you're looking at a couple deeply in 60, this does not mean that they do not have a passionate night of love. Recall the artist Pablo Picasso, who before superzrelogo age were young mistress.

How many centimeters?

Question concerning the parameters of manhood. The problem, as a rule, exciting men at a young age. But the problem sometimes does not leave, and in adulthood.

No wonder so often in the newspapers can meet service announcements to increase manhood. Still, as we know, the proposal is dictated by the specific demand.

There is a saying: "that's not the length and diameter. But this is not quite true. It's not the size, but the ability! If we are, of course, is not about pathology ...

Therefore, you should not mourn, if, say, the dignity of a new friend initially seemed visually too modest. Mal valve, but the roads!

Do not be afraid to become too impressive - with a certain skill, and attentiveness can get rid of painful sensations.

Such so simple arithmetic.

If your spouse - Othello ...

"In jealousy there is nothing wrong." "He's jealous, - means love." "Compel jealous, to awaken feelings. That's right - until jealousy does not become a disease and yet not suffer from her children.

Living with a man, dig into your notebook, requiring call every two hours from work, to account for every passing day - seriously. But remember that your husband is suffering much more. All of his life - continuous stress. He is usually aware that the sick, trying to pull myself together, but seeing as colleague kisses you on the cheek at the meeting, loses control of himself.

Even if your "Othello" the perfect father, in a fit of jealousy when he forgets about the children and not think about their feelings. The consequences of this loss of self control, tend to be very sad for the kids. Parents determine the relationships always lead to children's stress, which can manifest itself in the form of enuresis, or many other diseases, or a nervous breakdown, but - importantly - in the future, these children are laid in childhood reproduce a pattern already in their own family.

How to help jealous? But at the same time, and yourself?
First of all we must realize that this disease and fight it must be very, very carefully, not allowing her to progress. Do not laugh at her husband. Abandoning the casually: "We have a new colleague at work, Ve-ry nice" - do not get anything but a sleepless night for him (as well as for himself) and his regular forays to see you at work. It is much easier to just tell: "I have a new colleague" and stop all the questions, saying: "better than you anyway. I no one else is interested. And it is desirable that this was the end of your conversation.

Do not indulge tantrums like "I saw that you looked at the type!". But do not forget that these words may lie just self-doubt and a desire to hear: "Why, he is absolutely ugly, no nothing from itself does not represent, as compared to you he just morel (or, conversely, block fat )!

For unbridled jealousy may be hiding and a sense of ownership. Thus, Oleg jealous wife (incidentally, can not conceive of treason) to anyone passing by a man who would not let her travel. When they divorced, and his wife immediately began to meet with others, he does not even angry. "But we have still not together!"

In addition to the jealousy from self-doubt and feelings of the owner, is jealousy age, that is youth. "When my husband was on 19, and he said that he liked Michelle Pfeiffer - recalls Light - I almost smashed the TV and half a day with my husband did not speak. We are happy to discuss together with long legs held by girls and actresses, expressive eyes. "

And, finally, is that jealousy becomes a mania, phobia. This advice can be only one: to urgently convince the wife to go to a psychologist. It is not easy, but otherwise - not. Here on its own can not cope.

By the way, consider: whether "injured party" you or she is very jealous - protection for children from your "showdown". You've already realized what harm they cause aborted child's psyche, is not it? And it is quite impossible to allow the child to become a "language", reported that "my mother called my uncle," and "Dad, when we were walking with him, met with sympathetic aunt."
Of course, anyone jealous very difficult to give up surveillance and other manifestations of their confidence. Try all the same to the public to tell her husband that it is unpleasant to you, and ask him to save thee from these actions and scenes of jealousy. Try to influence it strongly, and most patiently. Help him, if not get rid of the "complex Othello", at least to soften, smooth it. And the reward for their efforts will be grateful for a surge of feelings, peace and joy in the family.

And the last. Before blaming the spouse in excess of jealousy, will follow is: perhaps you really do not miss a chance to communicate with each more or less likable young man? Or maybe you spend all night with the head of your thesis, and the remaining time devoted to discussing the merits? Then do not be surprised if your wife suddenly woke Othello! ..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Arithmetic health

Do you know what numbers are most important to you? No, this is not the year of your birth and phone number. This performance level of blood cholesterol and blood pressure.

Most likely, you're like most people do not know what they should be, and never checked any cholesterol or blood pressure. However, these indicators affect length and quality of our lives.

Not paying attention to high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol, a person causes great harm to the body. Until then it can not occur, but this does not mean that everything is in order.

Numbers of blood pressure (BP) show the force with which the blood presses on the walls of the arteries. The immediate cause of elevated BP, as a rule, is unknown, but well understood, some risk factors (smoking, poor diet). High blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, stroke, cardiac and renal failure.

High cholesterol also increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Cholesterol - a solid substance similar to wax, which is produced by cells of the liver to protect the nerve fibers, cell membranes and hormone production. It goes well with food (meat, poultry, fish and dairy products). Cholesterol can be delayed on the walls of arteries, forming plaques at the same firm which greatly narrows or completely blocks a blood vessel.

Here are some reasons why the need to control their blood pressure and cholesterol:

1. Motivation. This forces you to pay attention to their health. You have to know normal if your performance, as evidenced by the deviation, is not it time you change your lifestyle. Sometimes the increase in pressure or cholesterol did not require medical intervention, and correction of power, increasing physical activity, etc. Values do not increase and not diminish by themselves - they can be effectively managed.

2. Everything flows, everything changes. Currently, approaches to treatment have changed. Doctors more closely than before, look for indicators of blood pressure and cholesterol. To date, treatments significantly improved, there was a set of drugs, allowing faster and more effectively normalize blood pressure and cholesterol.

3. At any physician many patients. The most important patient you are only for himself. And you have to defend their interests. When you return the completed map, you ask, what are your targets, and what it means. Learn doctor obslesdovany results, and how you should do in the future.

4. Patient - one, the doctors are different. As a rule, people do not go all my life to the same doctor. People move, change jobs. Changed and their needs. Sometimes we have to go to several doctors. Responsibility for their health holds out, you learn why its important figures and informs them of a new doctor.

Healthy adults are advised to check cholesterol every 5 years, and blood pressure - once in 2 years. If the detected increase of at least one indicator must be checked more frequently.

Monitor performance of their health! Sometimes it is a matter of life and death.
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High blood pressure: possible complications

If you do not keep your blood pressure, this may lead to a variety of serious diseases.

* Myocardial infarction. In coronary arteries to the heart receives blood enriched with oxygen. If clogged blood vessels, possible heart attack.
* Increased heart. High blood pressure creates a greater strain on the heart. Heart work harder and eventually increases in size. As a result, in the end it was "tired".
* Violation of the kidneys. Increased blood pressure leads to a narrowing of the arteries, which in the kidneys received nutrients. This disrupts the kidneys and can lead to kidney failure. Violation of the kidneys, in turn, still more increases your blood pressure.
* Stroke. When the pressure narrowed arteries of the brain. If the clot is formed, it may cause a stroke. With increased pressure artery sometimes burst. As a result, bleeding in the brain - one form of stroke.
* Atherosclerosis. High blood pressure and atherosclerotic plaques in the vascular walls make the arteries more zhetskimi. Reducing the elasticity of their blood circulation and can lead to heart attack and stroke.
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Honey for a cough - a sweet drug

Medications are not always pleasant. But spoon of honey - and pleasant and helpful.

Along with medication, sometimes we use alternative methods of treatment of cough, to cope with a cold, especially in children. Clinical studies involving patients with upper respiratory tract infections (105 people aged 2 to 18 years) showed that honey can help in this situation. Researchers compared the effectiveness of honey with the action of non-prescription drugs (with dextromethorphan) or no treatment.

Children from 2 to 5 years were given at bedtime to ½ tsp. Dark buckwheat honey. Children from 6 to 11 years - 1 tsp. Children over 11 years - 2 tsp. As a result, honey was the most effective means of cough, which significantly improved night's sleep in children. Pleasant addition: Honey is also improved and the parent's sleep.

How it works honey until the end is unknown. He is expected to soften the mucous neck and stimulates saliva production, which reduces the cough.

An important caveat: Never give honey to children up to a year, as honey may contain botulism spores, deadly for infants. For children older than 12 months, honey is safe.

The drug, tested by time

Curative properties of honey have been known since ancient times. It not only cures cough but also contains many useful substances, among which:

* Antioxidants, vitamins C and E. The darker the color of honey, the more nutrients it contains.
* Minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, and phosphates).

Product beekeeping

Taste of honey depends on the nectar that bees collect from flowers. The taste is different - from sweet to bitter. Experts are unanimous in the opinion that the most diverse in composition of nutrients dark honey (such as buckwheat).

Honey is relatively inexpensive, easily digestible and serves as a safe alternative to medication for a cough. Shelf life of honey is practically unlimited. The only condition - it is desirable to keep it in a cool, dark place in tightly closed containers.

So next time your child got a cold, looking for a cure is not a pharmacy, and in the kitchen. A cup of hot tea with a spoonful of honey do wonders!
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